Privacy Policy

All rights of the website named belong to BEKİR EMRE YAPINCA KAELAUREAN TİCARET company. It will not disclose personal information transmitted to it electronically by users via to third parties, except for the purposes and scope determined by the contracts it has made with its users and customers or by this Privacy Policy. detects and uses users' IP addresses when necessary to identify system-related problems and to promptly resolve problems that may arise on IP addresses may also be used to identify users in a general manner and to collect comprehensive demographic information.

In order to fill out various forms on or participate in surveys, users are required to provide certain personal information about themselves (such as name-surname, telephone, postal or e-mail addresses). Information provided to by users may be used for direct marketing purposes by or persons with whom cooperates, even if it is outside the purposes and scope determined in accordance with the agreements made by with its users and customers. Personal information is also used to contact the user when necessary. Information requested by or information provided by the user
or information regarding transactions made through may be used by and its collaborators to make various statistical evaluations, create databases or conduct market research, provided that the identity of the user is not disclosed, even if it is outside the purposes and scope determined by the agreements made by with its users and customers. may provide links to other sites within the site. does not bear any responsibility for the privacy practices and content of sites accessed through links.

Personal information, person's name-surname, address, telephone number,
e-mail address and any other information to identify the user does not disclose any personal information to companies and third parties that does not cooperate with, except as otherwise stated in this Privacy Policy and in the limited cases set out below.
will not disclose these situations to anyone.

a. Compliance with the obligations imposed by the legal rules such as Laws, Decrees, Regulations, etc. issued by the competent legal authorities and in force;

b. With users and customers of
fulfilling the requirements of the contracts it has made and implementing them
to be placed;

c. By the competent administrative or judicial authorities, in accordance with the procedure.
Requesting information about users for the purpose of conducting an investigation or inquiry conducted in accordance with the law;

d. To protect the rights or security of users
are cases of providing information., personal information is strictly private and confidential
to keep it, to consider it as a duty of confidentiality and to ensure confidentiality
provision and maintenance of all or any part of confidential information
to prevent entry into the public domain or unauthorized use or to a third party
to take all necessary precautions and exercise due care to prevent disclosure undertakes to take the necessary information security measures
Despite receiving the confidential information, as a result of the attacks on and the system
In case of damage or transfer to third parties,
will not have any liability. to users and users to
information about its use, using a technical communication file (cookie).
The technical communication files mentioned are stored in the main memory.
A small piece of code that a website sends to the user's browser.
are text files. A technical communication file is a document that contains information about the status and
makes using the internet easier by storing preferences. Technical communication
file, how many people use a website, a person's website
for what purpose, how many times they visited and how long they stayed on the site
can be used to obtain statistical information. In addition,
from user pages specially designed for users, dynamic
It helps to produce marketing messages and content with permission. Technical
communication file, data from main memory or users' e-mail address or
It is not designed to collect any other personal information. Browsers
many are designed to accept technical communication files first;
However, if users wish, they may choose not to receive the technical communication file or
browser to provide a warning when a communication file is sent
can change their settings.

by within
Information obtained from users who responded to surveys conducted by
or by the persons with whom it cooperates, directly to these users.
to conduct marketing, statistical analysis or create databases
can be used for the purpose. hereby adopts the provisions of this Privacy Policy,
unilaterally, by publishing it on at any time.
Privacy Policy that has changed
Its provisions shall enter into force on the date of publication on